The magnetic field vector of an electromagnetic wave is given by $B = {B_0}\frac{{\hat i + \hat j}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\cos (kz - \omega t)T$ Where $\hat i,\,\,\hat j$ represents unit vector along X and Y-axis respectively. At t =0, two electric charges ${q_1}$ of ${\rm{4}}\pi {\rm{ C }}$ and ${q_2}$ of ${\rm{2}}\pi {\rm{ C}}$ located at $\left( {0,0,\frac{\pi }{k}} \right)$ and $\left( {0,0,\frac{{3\pi }}{k}} \right)$ respectively, have the same velocity of $0.5{\rm{ }}c\,\hat i.$ (Where, c is the velocity of light). The ratio of the force acting on charge ${q_1}\,\,{\rm{ to }}\,\,{q_2}$ isFailed to load question data. Please try again later.
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